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Friday, October 21, 2011

Something (Wicked) Cold This Way Comes

Cold weather is approaching.  Joel has been working hard to put the gardens to bed, since I've been banned from gardening.  It is also hard to garden when you are lying down on the sofa with a heated wubbie on you (and also maybe a small dog).
Ginnala Maple in my front yard

On to the Johnson's landscaping:

The good news:  They are starting with pretty much a blank slate to wit:
A new paint scheme and revision
 of the fascia board trim is in progress

View toward the corner

View of corner of house
and existing forsythia
 Jim works hard with a bobcat (I kept wanting to call him Bob as in Bobcat) to scrape off all the old bluegrass.  It needs to be watered a couple of times, though before it can be rototilled.  Then, it will be mulched with neighbor's leaves and the old sod (if we don't start a compost pile with it) for the winter to help create a planting layer.

And here we have the scraped yard:

I think that a good time must have been had by Bob-Jim with his scraper!  Good job, man!

The good news about the cold weather is that everything is starting to turn colors.  If we have a true fall, we will get some great color this year.  Or, Colorado could just blast everything with freezing cold and every leaf will freeze, turn black and drop off the plants.  I'm hoping for the former.

Miss Emily's landscape got a big boost when she drove us out to the Tree Farm, where we were chauffeured around their 38 acres in a golf cart. She bought two beautiful trees - a multi-trunked service berry and a ginnala maple - also multi-trunked. She and Dave will return to pick up the trees and my black and white sweater that was left in the golf cart next week. Then we will have some help to plant them in her yard.

I love to get plants in the ground in the fall so they can get their root systems established before next spring. We saw many many beautiful trees - including some Japanese maples that would have broken the bank, but which would have looked incredible. Maybe in time.

Ms Em's place, as it exists today.  Cute, cute, bungalow, no?  So classic and beautifully constructed to boot.  I especially love the contrasting brick belt course on the portico and around the base.

And in her backyard is the real prize - a custom built wrought iron cover for a large patio!!!!  It will be delightful next summer.  I thought I had a couple of photos (one with Ms Em herself in it) but they were evidently of the opinion that they were videos and not stills and wouldn't load.  Well I will get you my pretties, never fear.
Oh, and if anyone has some NM pinion pine to donate, my fireplace is ready, willing and clean to start burning it!  Here's to fall...and cold weather.

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